Viche ¹19, 2011POWER
Economy of regions has to grow and not only the Minister or the tax inspection, but every village and town mayor should fight against shady schemes
The main issue of the Consultative Council on Local Self-Government under the Head of the Verkhovna Rada was to discuss the draft state budget for 2012 and prospects for local budgets.… CIVIL SOCIETY
Consumer goods basket is like a hole in a doughnut
106 g of bread, 5 g of fat and 25 g of sausage, one and a half glasses of milk, 250 g of potato per day, a pair of socks and stockings per year, one pair of underwear per… CIVIL SOCIETY
Our initiatives are universal
Ukraine has showed enough enthusiasm and persistence to become a participant of the International initiative “Open Government Partnership”. It has determined three basic directions of a private sector. CIVIL SOCIETY
Move to Europe. Progress has been marked and new limits are promised to appear in December
Acknowledgement of the European aspirations of countries of the Initiative “East Partnership” by the members of the European Union, and, consequently, the determination of accordance of present standards of public life and introduced reforms to the necessity in deepening… CIVIL SOCIETY
Strength of Euro-integration aspirations is in internal unity and adjusted dialog
Taking social, economic and political results into account, last two decades turned out to be fateful for Ukraine. CIVIL SOCIETY
Regional measurement of “East Partnership”
On the last days of September the first business-forum of “East Partnership” began in Warsaw. Within its framework the meeting of entrepreneurs and businessmen with the heads of the EU took place. CIVIL SOCIETY
Inter-parliamentary measurement of the European integration of Ukraine: joint aim is reached by joint efforts
Entering next stage of negotiations with the European Union, Ukrainian state all more intensively tries to present to the European political society the effectiveness of processes of introducing internal reforms directed on approaching of the country on the whole… CIVIL SOCIETY
Why national idea has not come into action
Imperious elite has shifted responsibility for all failures and drawbacks of the introduced reforms to the national idea... CIVIL SOCIETY
Individual access to the constitutional jurisdiction as a step forward to democracy
Potential of the constitutional justice in the field of protection of human rights and freedoms is not used enough in our country. CIVIL SOCIETY
So that our people trusted our Constitutional Court like they trust the European Court of Human Rights
From the speech of the head of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Volodymyr Lytvyn… SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Justice as the establishment of an all mankind justice
Approved in 1996 Constitution of the independent Ukraine has not just fixed the key principles of operation of a legal state: it defined the principles of distribution and operation of major powers, including the judicial system which, taking the… SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Law “On the court fee” is another step towards judicial reform
On November 1, 2011 the Law of Ukraine “On Court Fee” (hereinafter - the Law will come into force). SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
The legal culture of individuals in the context of constitutional development (real state and program goals)
Norms of the Constitution of Ukraine in 1996 are called upon to recognize people, their interests and rights of the highest social value, the state responsibility before the society and the person, to direct the state work on strengthening… SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Research and creative source for the study of constitutional law in Ukraine
Only during the last five years dozens of books on constitutional law have been published the authors of which strive to raise the legal science and its subject to the appropriate theoretical level. SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Is a gift to a doctor corruption or thanking?
In any case the changes in the relationship “patient-doctor” are necessary According to the declared principles of the Ukrainian state that remained from the Soviet model of social security medical services are free of charge to the public. SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Problems of reception of anti-corruption mechanisms of the developed countries in the Ukrainian practice
Ukrainian political and economic elites began to comprehend the phenomenon of corruption as a real threat to the national security and its socio-economic development already in the early years of independence of Ukraine [10]. CIVIL SOCIETY
Work for the effect
… According to the information from the specially authorized subjects in the field of combating corruption, in July – August, 2011, 307 criminal cases were accepted, 175 of them were sent to the court. CIVIL SOCIETY
Economy of Ukraine: from Trypillya culture till the “orange” revolution
Having broken the spears in the polemic regarding the political history, national scientists decided to reproduce the economic past of Ukraine. CIVIL SOCIETY
Civil servants, sit at the desks!
300 “officials” have begun their study at the Institute of Advanced Training of the Management Staff which is in the structure of the National Academy of State Administration attached to the President of Ukraine.… CIVIL SOCIETY
Crimean Koreiz and French Korez wonder about the future
For already several years the media council “Viche-South” of the magazine of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine “Viche” with the French international association «EUROLOISIR» which operates under the auspices of the European Union has been successfully implementing the project… CIVIL SOCIETY
Royal park among Lviv stone formations
On last summer’s hot days the Lviv citizens being among heated by the sun buildings and asphalt paving were searching for protection under the green canopy of trees. CIVIL SOCIETY
“I” – with the arrogance and rudeness, or the World displaces the aggressors from the road
As it is known, the UN General Assembly declared 2011-2020 to be the Decade of Action for Road Safety. CIVIL SOCIETY
Guilty in the accident replace...the traffic police
At the crossroad two cars smashed. While the drivers having put warning triangles, sort out their things, examine dents and scratches, the congestion is made. And it slows down the movement till police officers arrive and document an accident...… CIVIL SOCIETY
Signal of the last hope
On October 30, 1906 in Berlin the second International Radiotelegraphic Conference, which approved a new alarm signal on the sea – “SOS”, was held. Twenty-nine countries participated in it, including England, Germany, Russia, the USA, France and Japan. CIVIL SOCIETY
From propaganda to “PR” or Under what conditions a career fair becomes a fair of demand?
Due to the gradual transition of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the contract basis the issue regarding the improvement of advertising campaigns in the interest of national defense becomes of current importance.… CIVIL SOCIETY
Dolphins can not live in troubled waters
“Viche” magazine and other national media have repeatedly attracted the attention of readers to the problem of Sevastopol’s dolphinarium. If yesterday it was necessary just to help solving them, today urgent help is needed.… CIVIL SOCIETY
Healing springs consecrated at Epiphany
How do natural sources become sacred and healing? People try to understand this mystery of life-giving water from the remotest times. We also tried to do this, while visiting sacred springs in Rivne, Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk regions. CIVIL SOCIETY
From the history of “Avanhard” sanatorium
Flutter of the First World War untwisted with reckless speed, hurting both bodies and souls of people, leaving behind ruins and colossal sacrifices. The newspaper “Podolia” (¹ 93 dated September, 10, 1914) reported that in Nemirov princess M.H. Shcherbatova… CIVIL SOCIETY
I had a wish to be a children's writer but have become a hostage to the preying business
Gold reserves of literature represented by the writers from different countries and epochs does not cancel, according to psychologists, the need to continue writing for children even now (A.I. Zakharov. Warning deviations in child’s behavior. - K. |