Æóðíàë Viche 2006 ¹24

Viche ¹24, 2006

Yaroslav DAVYDOVYCH: "The poor do not go on election"

As a result of scientific - practical conference "Elecrion-2006. Experience. Problems.

100 days of «Second republic»

or Try to understand whether glass is half full or half empty…

Remember about a veto

On November, 16 parliament supported in the first reading a bill «About Cabinet of Ministers» In "Universal of national unity", which for many in a time of signing looked like the act of a political wisdom, it is expressly…

Already in WTO by 90 percent

The prospect of entrance of Ukraine to WTO has become quite relevant. On November 1, 2006 the parliamentary listening took a place: "The state of preparation of entry of Ukraine to the World Trade Organization (WTO), problems and prospects".…

Olexander MOROZ: Holodomor - is not a genocide, it worse a genocide

Law stands guard over the truth   On November, 28 Verkhovna Rada passed an Act "About Holodomor of 1932–1933 in Ukraine", brought by President Victor by Yushchenko, taking into account amendments, offered the chairman of parliament Olexander Moroz.

Locks do not believe tears...

December, 7 - the Day of local self-government In Lviv, meeting of Advisory and consultative counsel on the questions of the legislative providing of local self-government and the regional development at the Head of Verkhovna Rada took place .

Advice of Europe integrates to Ukraine. It delegates here the

The talks about opening in Ukraine of the Permanent representative office European Counsel began two years ago. Practically from a that moment, as the Parliamentary assembly chosen Britisher Terri Devis as a new general of Secretariat of organization.

Unity, co-operation, universalization

Problems concerning forming of the pro-European national legal system and harmonization of national legislation with the legislation of the EU…

Let’s create co-ordinates in order to get rid of contradictions

As to the problem of the legal adjusting of legislative activity It is heavy to deny an obvious fact that the proper order has been in want in legislative activity for many years already.

Rights and freedoms – to the codex!

The issues dedicated to education of legal culture in society and forming of respect to the law were to become important in such uniform legal act…

Institute of pardon in the context of bases of division of state authority

According to the official data, 8081 appeals for pardon of 4670 condemned had been addressed to the President of Ukraine during the first six months of the year 2006, 1342 of the appeals concerning 608 convicts have been satisfied…

When the world seems dangerous

Foreign policy in the state control system of the USA Nature of organization of political power in the USA is conditioned on the special attitude of citizens toward the Basic law of the state.

Id13 Nature, logic, technologies

As to the question of essence and character of the Orange revolution The orange revolution evoked the ambiguous reaction not only in the field of politics, but also in scientific community.

Electoral campaign-2004 is the point of national self-determination

Formation of political nations only in few places did without civil confrontations and collision of opposite positions, which are based mostly on the certain complexes (organized aggregates) of the public ideas usually concerned with the sphere of identity.

Scientific school of environmental protection

Development of ecological expertology in the Kyiv national university named after Taras Shevchenko The citizens of Ukraine are guaranteed of enjoying their constitutional rights to life, safe for life and health environment, education (articles 3, 27, 50, 53 of…

Would you like to begin own business?

Society on the whole has a positive attitude toward the business undertakings.

Property, as well as money, costs one dear sometimes

The conclusion and dissolution of the inherited agreement touches the norms of right and ethics…

Esey speaks about treason

“This night is darker than Azef”. It is the line from the poem “Cloud in trousers” by Volodymyr Mayakovs’kyi.

Destiny and fame of Pereyasliv

Hetman capitals, cossak capitals… How many of them were there, where and when did they emerge? These questions would seem to be almost scholastic.

Just flowers, or Miracle with snow-white petals

December is behind the windows, and in the capital show-room “Art” there are flowers, flowers… There are flowers even on window-panes.

Dialog with sun whirlwinds

Olena Sharvarok has been drawing since the middle of the nineties of the last century. In soviet times such people, as she is, were more often called amateur artists (she did not get education – there was no opportunity).…

1932–1933: ethnic cleaning in Ukraine

The starvation in Ukraine of 1932–1933 years was named the “so called starvation” by the MFA of Russia. Russians try to represent the tragedy as the banal phenomenon.