№24, 2006 Unity, co-operation, universalizationProblems concerning forming of the pro-European national legal system and harmonization of national legislation with the legislation of the EU From the very beginning of proclamation of Ukrainian independence the European choice of country became the inevitable constituent of its further development, and approaching of Ukraine to the European Union – one of major strategic directions of its foreign policy. Integration of Ukraine to the European companies requires the permanent search for ways of establishment and strengthening of economic and political relations with the EU. With the purpose of realization of this strategic course and providing of comprehensive entrance to the European political, economic and legal space the Agreement concerning partnership and collaboration between Ukraine and the European companies and their state-members was signed on 14 June, 1994 (in abbreviated form – the APC) , which went into effect in March, 1998. Adaptation of national legal system to the European by means of harmonization of the Ukrainian legislation with the legislation of the EU is among the basic conditions of rapprochement of Ukraine with the European Union, deepening of their collaboration and gradual integration (acquisition of the status of associated or absolute member) of Ukraine to the EU. Ilona KUROVS’KA |