Viche ¹21, 2013POWER
“We should think about post Vilnius period”
– was marked by Chairman of the Parliament Volodymyr RYBAK during National “round table” devoted to the European integration of Ukraine which took place at the parliament on October, 11. POWER
How to avoid new trade conflict with Russia?
The answer to this question was searched by the participants of hearings at the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada on Economic Policy which professionally analyzed the problematic issues which appeared in trade relations between Ukraine and Russian Federation on… POWER
Orienting point is Vilnius. “European” time passes...
Mutual willingness of Ukraine and the European Union to sign the Association Agreement and the Agreement on deepen and identifiable free trade zone, supported by political rhetoric, public hopes and corresponding possibilities of economic advantages for our state in… POWER
Conservatives and reformists are our friends
During the meeting with delegation of political group of Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Volodymyr Rybak voiced hope that after the report of Koks-Kvasnevsky mission is heard on November, 14, the… CIVIL SOCIETY
Frankly about the environment
In the report for 2012 within the project “Assessment of the environmental component of bilateral cooperation between Ukraine and the EU” it is stated that “environmental issues are not at top-priority in the public policy of Ukraine, they are… CIVIL SOCIETY
Gardens of the world. Austrian Alps
“Ukrainian Carpathians” and “Austrian Alps” are the green bridge between Eastern and Western Europe Creating a landscape area “The Austrian Alpine Garden” at M. M. Gryschko National Botanic Garden is one of the practical measures of implementation of the… CIVIL SOCIETY
Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Borys OLIINYK: “Borys Paton belongs to those stamp figures in line with Schevchenko, Franko, Vernadskiy, Korolev, thanks to whom the world recognizes Ukraine”
– Without theatrical pathetic, needless poetism and apologetics I just say that Borys Paton is the whole era in the domestic and world science. CIVIL SOCIETY
The high orbit of the chief designer
On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of academician Volodymyr UTKIN All at the same time business and festive atmosphere prevailed at the enlarged meeting of the coordination council of the collaborative works of the State enterprise “Construction office… SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Thoughts about new elite of the nation
One of the most discussed themes of our society is the state of the Ukrainian elite. It is discussed both in scientific and production and family circles. CIVIL SOCIETY
Problematic issues of protection of migrant workers and refugees rights
Development of effective migratory policy for Ukraine is an urgent necessity because of the fact that migratory ways pass through our country, and its territory is used for the transit moving, sojourn of labour and also illegal migration. SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Labour migration: advantages are thrown into the scale
Labour migration of Ukrainians gained scales when the amount of workers reached the third part of working population of the country, and the amount of money orders of labour migrants almost three times exceeded direct foreign investments in the… CIVIL SOCIETY
Where the “startup capital” is UAH 17
According to figures of the UN’ Universal periodic review, Ukraine ranks the 126th place on level of print media freedom. CIVIL SOCIETY
From the subtheory to the coherent leadership culture
Almost ten years ago before the mayor's office of the small American city in the state of Tennessee among the catch phrases set with stones and metal on the asphalt pavement, I saw the phrase: if everything depended on… CIVIL SOCIETY
Work and fair wages, representation in the government and management, non-violence in the family! Is it a lot?
It was discussed at the parliamentary hearings “Assurance of the equal rights and opportunities for women and men. Problems and effective mechanisms of its solution.” by the members of the parliament, representatives of executive and non-governmental organizations. CIVIL SOCIETY
24 volleys in honor of the liberators of Kyiv
Ancient and eternally young Kyiv celebrates the outstanding event - the 70th anniversary of liberation from the Nazi occupation. On November, 6, 1943 the forces of the Red Army entered the capital of Ukraine with fights. CIVIL SOCIETY
The essence of the Kelsen democracy
The scientists of Kyiv University of Law of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine jointly with the Austrian Embassy held an international conference “The relevancy of legal works of Hans Kelsen for modern Ukraine and Austria” dedicated to… CIVIL SOCIETY
Disaster is on roads
By governmental Decree from June, 12, 2013 ¹ 627 “On Amending certain provisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine” it is stipulated that structural divisions of the State Traffic Patrol Department (departments, divisions) on the service of the… CIVIL SOCIETY
Mykolaiv’ syndrome. Let’s stop the beast!
What happened to Mykolaiv region and its inhabitants? What kind of violence “virus” attacked the land of shipwrights and grain farmers? Why just recently exactly this region became the center of high-profile crimes? Our own correspondent tried to find… CIVIL SOCIETY
No - to fundamental changes. Yes - to modernization!
The Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on culture and spirituality and community councils in charge of the preparation for the 200th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko’s bithday gathered for the common meeting. CIVIL SOCIETY
Let’s repay to Taras by the whole Ukrainian world
The 8th international congress of ukrainianists “Taras Shevchenko and the world Ukrainian studies: historical interpretations and contemporary receptions” dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the poet gathered in the Column hall of the Kyiv City State Administration five hundred… CIVIL SOCIETY
“Looking at the world through the baby’ tear drop”
On November, 24, Ukraine will celebrate the sorrowful date - the 80th anniversary of Holodomor. CIVIL SOCIETY
Gulyaypole’ father in the Elysian Fields
For the 125th anniversary of the birth of Nestor MAKHNO… CIVIL SOCIETY
Favorite edelweiss on a white wall
The joy didn’t visit her life often. And happiness came to her on rare occasions, but love ... About this Olga Kobylyanskaya was silent for many years. CIVIL SOCIETY
“Give us a hospitable welcome with hay and salt!”
– ordered to huntsman the chief game manager Vasyl Burmas when the first batch of European wisents crossed the Ukrainian border. CIVIL SOCIETY
Did the «Pyramid» wobble?
After one of the triumphs of our national team the president of the Chess Federation of Ukraine Viktor Kapustin aptly compared it with the top of the whole pyramid. CIVIL SOCIETY
“Natural endowment from a province”
Exactly, fatherly, with warm irony in the voice “magnified” most of us, members of the literary coterie, its founder and our authoritative Teacher – Professor Oleg Kindratovych Babyshkin, who on November, 4, of this year would have turned 95… CIVIL SOCIETY
Attention! The TV channel “Rada” is on the air
Among a variety of the national TV programs the parliamentary TV channel “Rada”, which journalists carefully monitor the work of people’s deputies during plenary meetings of the Verkhovnaya Rada, on the sidelines, in the relevant committees and constituencies, now… CIVIL SOCIETY
To own the origin through the water...
Searching for Ukrainian traces on the banks of the Yenisei, traveler and writer Volodymyr SUPRUNENKO made the solo voyage on a rubber boat from Krasnoyarsk to the Arctic Circle. CIVIL SOCIETY
“The human mass” tamed the Scythian deer
The 43rd International Film Festival “Youth” finished in Kiev. Each year this phrase traditionally arouses sadness about the October week full of unforgettable feelings. CIVIL SOCIETY
“Sowing the good seed, do not be lazy to anything good ... “
900 years ago, in autumn of 1113, Prince Volodymyr Monomakh finally enthroned in Kyiv. |