№21, 2013 Orienting point is Vilnius. “European” time passes...Mutual willingness of Ukraine and the European Union to sign the Association Agreement and the Agreement on deepen and identifiable free trade zone, supported by political rhetoric, public hopes and corresponding possibilities of economic advantages for our state in the future almost every day makes the necessity of positive result during the summit of countries – participants of “Eastern partnership” Initiative on November, 28–29 of in Vilnius of current importance. All the more so, having reached on October, 21 the “first border”, the Ukrainian party did not get the desired answer from the Council of the EU, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of which postponed the discussion of implementation of criteria required for signing of the agreement by Ukraine to November, 18. But, probably, the main “stumbling point” in this sense is not the amount of terms, but their maintenance and possible scenarios of implementation. Yuliya TSYRFA |