Viche №5, 2007CIVIL SOCIETY
We remember the cost of victory
Dear compatriots, dear veterans of the Great Patriotic war!… SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Application of practice of the European court on human rights in Ukraine
May, 19 is the Day of Europe POWER
Ahead of schedule. When and how?
The question to be or not to be to prescheduled election is already irrelevant. To be but when and how? It is a main question. A working group consisting of President representatives and the parliamentary factions must answer it.… POWER
Long live Compromise
or if Dame is out of stagecoach – do judges feel easier? Extraordinary parliamentary elections will take place all the same. At least, according to the last information at a time when the material is prepared for publishing. POWER
Will judges bring an action?
“I solemnly swear to fulfill honestly and conscientiously high duties of judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, to provide supremacy of the Constitution of Ukraine, to protect the constitutionalism of the state, constitutional rights and freedoms of man… POWER
PAEC is convinced that all parties are to agree with the decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine
On April, 16–20 the spring part of the session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Council of the year 2007 worked in Strasburg. This time Ukraine was not talked about, maybe, only in places for smoking. POWER
We cut fat on the political map of the world
Two women came to Solomon, arguing about a child. The ruler ordered to cut a baby and give the equal part to each. CIVIL SOCIETY
Corporation and narration
On April, 27 the “Viche” editorial staff celebrated the anniversary: 15 years from the day of appearance of the first issue of the periodical… SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Question about state creation: will legal reform take place in Ukraine?
The events of the last months in the Verkhovna Rada and around it unambiguously testify the presence of a sharp necessity in realization of a large-scale legal reform, however they don’t give a certain answer to the question: is… SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Power of law like political and legal phenomenon
An idea “power of law” is rarely met in political, legal and philosophical-legal researches. And what is more, maybe, except for the known philosopher and lawyer of the end of XIX – beginning of XХ centuries I.A. Ilyin, this… SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Ukraine - UE: final choice of essential principles of state development
Development of integration processes on the European continent is the unprecedented phenomenon that determines present and future advancement of Europe, its place in a new system of international relations. CIVIL SOCIETY
Do you aim at NATO? Then here you are!..
The firing up of national politic battles made the theme of relations between Ukraine and NATO actual again. To be more precise, prospects of our membership in alliance. CIVIL SOCIETY
Holiday is difficult, disputable, painful
Here it came again. As always with spring, flowers and tender sun. CIVIL SOCIETY
Ukraine in the flame of war (1941–1945)
Documentary research of the heroic pas “Ukraine in the flame of war. 1941–1945” – is a title of a collective monograph that appeared in the publishing house “Ukraine”. CIVIL SOCIETY
The most widespread violence is family one
Creation of legislative base in the field of prevention of violence in family testifies the recognition of the problem by the state. CIVIL SOCIETY
Participation of community in law creation as a way of making an elector responsible for its political choice
The politicians of many countries begin to understand and adequately estimate the degree of consequence of public organizations on development of the country. Modern programs of both left and right parties contain regulations about close collaboration with the “third sector”. |