Defense of economic rights and freedoms of a human-being and citizen in Ukraine as one of basic factors of becoming and development of a legal state
Having ratified on July, 17, 1997 the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms dated November, 4, 1950, Ukraine acknowledged both the right on “peaceful property possession” and in obedience to the positions of article… SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Theoretical and practical realia of Ukrainian opposition
The necessary constituent of political regime of any democratic country is opposition, and Ukraine is not an exception. SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Political regime and democracy: methodological context*
II. Political regime in Ukraine: tendencies of formation Power is one of fundamental basis of the society. SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
History of legal regulation of labour justice in Ukraine
Historical aspect of study of settlement of labour disputes (conflicts) in Ukraine is worth of special attention, if taking the present process of reformation of the judicial system into account. SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Cultural rights and freedoms of a human-being and citizen: concept and essence
Difficult and contradictory process of transformation of all sides of public life, which is presently taking place in Ukraine, requires theoretical comprehension, research of place and role of the state and right in it. SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Settlement of collisions between general regulations of the Economic Code on agreements, obligations and responsibility and regulations of the Civil Code on separate types of obligations
Collisions between general regulations of the Economic Code of Ukraine on agreements, obligations and responsibility, from one side, and regulations of the Civil Code on separate types of agreements, from the other side, is a separate and difficult type… SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Index analysis of Presidential power according to the Constitution of Ukraine
Constitutional status of the President of Ukraine and his real plenary powers have been substantially changed and acquired new essence during all periods of existence of the independent state. SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
International experience of defense of rights of national minorities and its implementation in Ukrainian legislation
In the modern world where absolute majority of the states are multi-ethnic a sharp necessity in the formation of international mechanism of defense of national minorities from assimilation, discrimination and pursuit by dominant majority and also the defense of… SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Methodology of judicial cognition in cases related to the harsh treatment with children
Issue of juvenile justice for already long time has been within sight of research workers and practical workers, the complex of national approach to the settlement of extraordinarily important problems during the realization of suggestions has not been observed,… SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Forum of rectors of pedagogical universities of Europe
Civilization advancement in the countries of European space gathers unprecedented pace. Innovative strategies of development and modernization of production, multicultural spheres etc. form general philosophy on the principles of humanism, justice and freedom. |