Information Security of the Society
The state of affairs of the current information legislation of Ukraine in the sphere of creation, distribution and use of information is covered. SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Content analysis of the Enshrined Semantic Foundations of the National Interests in the Strategic Legal Documents
The results of the study of the enshrined semantic foundations of the national interests in the strategic legal documents, which was conducted using the method of content analysis, are presented. SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
On the Aspects of Regulatory Support to Restore Validity of the Specific Provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine
Regulatory support to restore validity of the specific provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine is studied. SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Legal Mechanism of Realization of the Association Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine
It is proven that the siging of the Association Agreement between the European Union and its Member States and Ukraine opens to our state a prospect of its integration in this organization with possible membership therein upon the creation… SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Some Issues of Adaptation of the Legislation of Ukraine concerning the Indication of Origin of goods according to the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) in the Context of European Integration
The article deals with the problematic issues of assessment, registration procedures and conditions for the legal protection of the indication of origin of goods under the laws of Ukraine and the European Union. SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Analysis of the Electoral Legislation in Relation to Vagueness of the Mechanism of the Re-count of Votes of Electors
In the article the problematics of vagueness of mechanism of realization of the re-count of votes of electors at a voting place in accordance with the law of Ukraine 'On elections of the people's deputies of Ukraine' and necessity… |