Журнал Viche 2015 №8

№8, 2015

Legal Mechanism of Realization of the Association Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine

It is proven that the siging of the Association Agreement between the European Union and its Member States and Ukraine opens to our state a prospect of its integration in this organization with possible membership therein upon the creation of the free trade area between the partners. Realization of the Association Agreement by Ukraine is noted to be carried out at the international and national levels by various means: accessing to international treaties; bringing national laws in accord with the legal acts of the EU institutions; recognizing national standards of the EU Member States; mutual adhering to the rules of the other party, etc. Harmonization of the national legislation with the European Union law is emphasized to be the most powerful legal instrument to introduce the EU’s acquis communautaire into the internal legal order of Ukraine.
Keywords: European Union, legal instruments, harmonization of legislation, acquis communautaire, Association Agreement.


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