Human Being about Its Future
Authorities of Local Self-Government Concerning Formation of Time Perspective The concept “time perspective” (further – TP) began to be widely used after L. SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Contradictions in Definition of Concept “Legal Act”
At the present stage of development of Ukrainian society the study of range of problems regarding realization of legal acts becomes all more of current importance, as in fact exactly they are the instrument of policy of the state,… SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Collisions Between Principles and Legal Norms in the Labour Legislation
In scientific literature the problem of collisions between basic principles of labour legislation and particular legal norms has never been grounded and properly solved. SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Low-Enforcement Activity and Low-Enforcement Authorities
Article 1 of the Constitution of Ukraine states that Ukraine is a legal state which main task is the creation of real and efficient mechanism of protection of rights, freedoms and interests of physical and legal persons protected by… SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Direct Presidential Elections in Ukraine: For and Against
Tradition of electiveness of top management dates back the time of military democracy. And it’s clear that under the conditions of historically protracted predominance of monarchies this principle could touch only collegial representative organs. SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Warning to the Constitutional Reform
One of obligatory conditions of integration of Ukraine to the European and Euro-Atlantic structures is conditioning of national legislation to the values and norms of European legal tradition. SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Project of Single Economic Space: Russian and Ukrainian Vision
Public start of the project of the Single Economic Space took place on February, 23, 2003 in Moscow, when the presidents of Ukraine, Byelorussia, Russia and Kazakhstan agreed to prepare the agreement on creation of the SES till September,… SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
EU – Ukraine: Energy Dependence
Energy constituent is an important part of foreign policy of any state. This sphere is especially important for political and economical independence under the conditions of globalization. SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Social and Economic Standards and Human Rights in the European Union at the Modern Stage of its Development
The principle of defence of human rights, which is well defined in the present regulation documents of the European Union (EU), has a fundamental character for functioning of all its organs. SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Formation of the Concept “Central Asian Region”
After the dissolution of the Soviet Union the process of both formation of new independent states and formation of new geopolitical and geostrategic theories has begun. SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Modern and Postmodern – Paradigms of Development of Ukraine
The World Bank researches and publishes ratings of quality of state administration (Worldwide Governance Indicators) of the world countries. |