Журнал Viche 2015 №16

№16, 2015

Conception of constitutionalism of B. Kistyakivskyi in the context of modernization of modern constitutional legal systems in Ukraine

The author analyses the conception of constitutionalism of Bohdan Kistyakivskyi, native of Kyiv, representative of social science elite of the beginning of the XX century, leading theorist and methodologist of law, who was distinguished by purposeful Europeanism and at the same time devotion to the Ukrainian roots. Exploring the mechanism of transformation of different public forms, B. Kistyakivskyi paid attention to the co-operation of empiric and normative values in the constitutional process. He laid theoretical basis for the interpretation of constitutional process as one of varieties of the political processes. The author comes to the conclusion that basic components of the conception of constitutionalism of B. Kistyakivskyi are important theoretical grounds for modernization of the constitutional legal system in Ukraine.
Keywords: constitutionalism, constitutional legal state, supremacy of law, autocratic power, democratic mode.


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