Æóðíàë Viche 2015 ¹14

¹14, 2015

Federalism as a technology of separatism in Ukraine

The author considers phenomenon of separatism in Ukraine as a technology of pressure on the Ukrainian government from the side of Kremlin and as a technology of disintegration and force to create the unacceptable for our state system of mode which is not even federalism in the direct meaning of this word. In author’s opinion, thanks to Russian political technologists the concept 'federalism' turned into the synonym of 'separatism'. The author studies the process of discredit of the concept 'federalism' which began long before ethnic political conflict and hybrid war between Ukraine and Russia and terrorist formations on the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. r
Keywords: separatism, federalism, 'Novorissiia', ethnic policy, ethnic community.


1. Vitman K. (2011), ‘Superechnosti zahalnonatsionalnoi ta rehionalnoi etnopolityky v Ukraini’ [Contradictions of national and regional ethnic policy in Ukraine], Aktualni problemy derzhavnoho upravlinnia, 9: 56.

2. Koliesnichienko V. (2009), ‘Fiedierativnaia Ukraina – bezalternativnaia alternativa razvitiia ukrainskoho gosudarstva’ [Federal Ukraine – ineffective alternative of development of the Ukrainian state], Holos Ukrainy, 194.

3. Shemshuchenko Iu. S. and others (ed.) (2003), Yurydychna entsyklopediia: V 6 tomakh [Legal Encyclopedia: In 6 volumes], Kyiv: Ukrainska entsyklopediia, Volume 5: 469–470.

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5. RosZMI: Proekt ‘Novorosiia’ ofitsiino zakryly [Russian media: ‘Novorosiia’ project is officially closed], available at: <http://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2015/05/20/7068502>

6. Chy zakryv Putin proekt ‘Novorosiia’? [Did Putin drop ‘Novorosiia’ project?], available at: <http://www.radiosvoboda.org/content/article/26634972.html>

7. Rosiia zaklykaie YeS ta SShA pospryiaty vstanovlenniu federatyvnoho ustroiu Ukrainy [Russia calls on the EU and the USA to support the establishment of a federal system of Ukraine], available at: <http://uaport.net/uk/news/ua/t/1403/30/4630000>

8. U Lavrova tverdiat, shcho konflikt na Skhodi Ukrainy ne vyrishytsia bez federalizatsii [At Lavrov’s it is said that the conflict in Eastern Ukraine will not be solved without federalization], available at: <http://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2014/04/7/7021657>

9. Poroshenko hotovyi provesty referendum shchodo federalizatsii Ukrainy, ale vzhe znaie yoho rezultat [Poroshenko is ready to hold a referendum on the federalization of Ukraine, but he already knows the result], available at: <http://tsn.ua/politika/poroshenko­gotoviy­provesti­referendum­schodo­federalizaciyi­ukrayini­ale­vzhe­znaye­yogo­rezultat­416446.html>

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