¹6, 2015 Person’s Right to Know Their Rights and Responsibilities: Revisiting Its Place within the System of Constitutional Human RightsA little-studied problem in legal science on the place of the constitutional right of a person to know their rights and responsibilities (set forth in Article 57 of the Constitution of Ukraine) within the system of rights of man and of the citizen is highlighted. It is stressed the lack of a unified approach in understanding the nature of this right in commentaries to the Constitution of Ukraine; the ambiguity of constitutional practice of different countries and the lack of scientific classifications of human rights in relation to the said law. The relations between the right to know their rights and responsibilities and other human rights, in particular, the right to information, the right to appeal to the state authorities, and the right to legal assistance, are considered. Features of these rights and their belonging to the same group of human rights to participate in the legal process are noted. Taking into consideration universal nature of this right, the author’s determination of the place of the right of a person to know their rights and responsibilities within the system of human rights is proposed.
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