№6, 2015 Problems of Interaction Between the International Organizations and NGOs in UkraineAmong the problems of interaction between international organizations and civil society organizations in Ukraine is the lack of state funding of the latter. Therefore, since the early 1990s, international organizations providing financial assistance to public organizations have begun to play a decisive role in the development of the civil society. Foreign donor grants remain indispensable source of funding for NGOs in Ukraine at present time. However, differences of opinions with respect to the effectiveness of use of resources, in particular the restriction of aid to reform the institutional framework of NGOs is causing misunderstandings between donors and recipients. The article stresses that a significant dependence of Ukrainian CSOs from international donor organizations becomes a multi-aspect risk factor since the number of international donors in support of civil society in recent years has significantly decreased. According to experts, the fundamental problem of Ukrainian civil society organizations is the low level of financial self-sufficiency. Ways to optimize cooperation between international organizations and the Ukrainian NGOs are proposed.
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