Журнал Viche 2015 №6

№6, 2015

Support of Civil Society Organizations by International Institutions and the Task of the International Community

Areas of activities of international institutions promoting development of the civil society both within separate countries and regions of the world are analyzed, spheres and mechanisms of their interactions are defined. Author proves on concrete examples of development of cooperation between international organizations and the civil society that efforts of foreign partners can be focused on: political environment of the state and its modification; economic and financial system of the country; social environment and development of specialized civil institutions; providing of educational and information services, etc. However, according to the article, the international community or individual organizations must adhere to the principles of international law such as sovereign equality and non-interference in the internal affairs of other states, do not use methods of pressure, take into account specificity of particular countries, create the conditions in which the inhabitants of the partner countries consciously accept the essence of support of NGOs.
Keywords: international relations, international organization, civil society, UN, EU, Council of Europe, OSCE, Ukraine.


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