Æóðíàë Viche 2015 ¹4

¹4, 2015

The Role of the ‘Ukraine National Initiatives to Enhance Reforms’ Project in the Development of Civil Society in Ukraine

Main features of implementation of the ‘Ukraine National Initiatives to Enhance Reforms’ Project funded by the US Agency for International Development (UNITER) and aimed at evolution of the civil society in Ukraine are considered. Special attention is paid to analysis of the targeted technical assistance provided to the Ukrainian civil society organizations within the framework of the relevant Project.
The influence exerted by civil society organizations on the state policy regarding consumer rights protection, amendments to the labour laws, as well as the land, pension and education reforms is explored. The above-mentioned activity is proved to meet the requirements of modern developed democracies and ensure the growth of public confidence in the state institutions.
Keywords: civil society, developed civil society, NGO, UNITER, USAID.


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