The allukrainian competition of projects and programs of development of local self-government was established in 2002 year on initiative of participants of municipal movement. In October of this year its conducting was declared by the Decree of the President of Ukraine, the corresponding governmental decrees were accepted. Since then almost thousand organs of local self-government have taken part in the competition, about 200 of them have become winners.
– So, is the December increase of tariffs only the beginning?
– New tariffs on public utilities – water, heating – will allow us to work normally in the present year, if nothing changes in the country. And again what concerns the Water station we have some funds for current repair works and for major repairs.
Gas will cost Ukraine for 130 dollars, and tariffs took account of price for 90 dollars for thousand cubic meters. So we will look for 35 dollars since January, 1 – either in the budget or in tariffs. Nevertheless, a gas constituent in the tariff on a heat is about 40–50 percents. So, people are to pay only 20–25 percents more.
– And what about retirees?
– There is a social defence, subsidy. If retirees are lonely, the pay for an apartment for them does not exceed ten percents from total revenue in Kyiv.