Æóðíàë Viche 2015 ¹2

¹2, 2015

Coordination of Actions in Counteracting Crime and Corruption as One of the Prosecutor’s Priorities

Amendments to the anti-corruption law of Ukraine are analyzed. In particular, it is studied their impact on activities of the prosecution service while exercising coordination powers in counteracting crime and corruption which are a part of its constitutional functions.
The key tasks of the law enforcement authorities in counteracting crime and corruption are determined. One of the most important prerequisites for their effective fulfillment is coordination activities of the prosecution authorities which allow for joining efforts of the state bodies and coordinating their actions to achieve the most efficient results. Each participant of the coordination procedure is stressed to determine the manner of its implementation and all the necessary legal means by themselves taking into consideration the nature of their professional activity. However, the prosecutor has not to coordinate actions of all the law enforcement authorities choosing only those whose tasks are to fight against crime and corruption.
The study of effectiveness of the actions in counteracting corruption crimes, as well as the state of prosecution coordination of the law enforcement authorities’ activities in this area indicates that this sphere of social and legal relations requires further development of the regulatory framework and effective practical implementation of the elaborated provisions.
Keywords: prosecution service, crime, corruption, counteracting, society, law enforcement authorities.


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