Журнал Viche 2015 №2

№2, 2015

Civil Society and Foreign Policy

The scope of influence exerted by the civil society on formation of the state’s foreign policy is considered. In order to avoid the internal complications, the state is proved to encourage various civil society organizations to resolve international issues having ‘low’ political content. However, in the sphere of ‘high’ policy the state is almost always acts as a unique player.
Means used by the civil society organizations to influence the state policy are studied. Special attention is paid to political lobbying. Options for the society’s participation in political processes, in particular, within the framework of all-national programmes and projects are explored, as the state could use them for improving its international prestige or even status. Social actors are emphasized to form the foreign policy of the state at the general level affecting the environment where all the decisions are taken. Therefore, strategic decision-making procedures, development and implementation of policies concerning defence and security areas or selection of foreign economic activity models remain prerogatives of the state.
Keywords: government, civil society, foreign policy, lobbying, decision-making, dialogue.


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Volodymyr ROZUMIUK