¹22, 2014 Reform of Legislation on Elections of the People’s Deputies of Ukraine as a Priority Area of the Parliament’s ActivitiesProblems of reform of the current legislation on elections of the people’s deputies of Ukraine to have taken place in 2014 are explored. Axiological aspects of elections as a fundamental form of direct popular rule are studied. Traditional and new approaches to determination of nature and content of the elections, electoral systems, electoral process and its specific procedures are discovered.
Refernces 1. Konstytutsiia Ukrainy: Zakon Ukrainy No. 254ê/96VR vid 28 chervnia 1996 roku z³ zminamy, vnesenymy zhidno iz zakonamy No. 2222IV vid 8 grudnia 2004 roku, No. 2952VI vid 1 liutoho 2011 roku, No. 586VII vid 19 veresnia 2013 roku, No. 742VII vid 21 liutoho 2014 roku [The Constitution of Ukraine: Law of Ukraine No. 254ê/96VR, 28 June 1996, as revised by laws No. 2222IV, 8 December 2004; No. 2952VI, 1 February 2011; No. 586VII, 19 September 2013; No. 742VII, 21 February 2014]. Available at: <http://zakon4.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/254%D0%BA/96%D0%B2%D1%80> 2. Pro vybory narodnykh deputativ Ukrainy: Zakon Ukrainy No. 4061VI vid 17 lystopada 2011 roku [On Elections of the People’s Deputies of Ukraine: Law of Ukraine No. 4061VI, 17 November 2011] (2011), Ofitsiiny visnyk Ukrainy 97: 3526. 3. Pro ochyshchennia vlady: Proekt Zakonu Ukrainy No. 4359à vid 24 lypnia 2014 roku [On Cleansing amongst the Authorities: Draft Law of Ukraine No. 4359à, 24 July 2014]. Available at: <http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/zweb2/webproc4_1?pf3511=51795> 4. Vetsko I. (2014) ‘Mazhoritarnaia nota’ [Majority note], Korrespondent 32: 811. 5. Ievropeisky democratychny dorobok u galuzi vyborchoho prava: Mater³aly Venets³anskoi kom³s³i, Parlamentskoi Asamblei, Kom³tetu M³n³str³v, Congresu m³stsevykh i reh³onalykh vlad Rady Ievropy [European democratic practice in the field of electoral law: Proceedings of the Venice Commission, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Committee of Ministers, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe]: trans. from English: 2nd ed. (2009), Kliuchkovsky I. (ed.). Kyiv: Lohos. 6. Kliuchkovsky I. B. (2011) Vyborchi systemy ta ukrainske vyborche zakonodavstvo: Monohrafiia [Electoral systems and the Ukrainian electoral law: Monograph]. Kyiv: Chas Druku. 7. Naiiem M. ‘Francis Fukuyama: Putin robyt rivno te same, shcho robyv Hitler’ [Francis Fukuyama: Putin is doing exactly the same thing as Hitler did], 27 August 2014. Available at: <http://www.pravda.com.ua/articles/2014/08/27/7035903/> 8. Held D. (2014) Modeli demokratii. Tretie izdaniie [Models of democracy. Third edition], trans. from English by M. Rudakov. Ìoscow: Izdatelskii dom ‘Delo’ RANKHiGS. Vladyslav FEDORENKO, Anzhela MALYUGA, Olga ZHELTOVA |