Æóðíàë Viche 2014 ¹22

¹22, 2014

Possible Vectors of Democratization of Ukraine in the Context of Modern Challenges

Possible vectors of democratization of Ukraine while correlating modern challenges with theoretical exploration of the above-mentioned process are analyzed. Proper theoretical background of democratization is noted to ensure its further implementation in practice (including system reformation of political and economic spheres of society, and the latter’s civil sector). Democratization of the post-Soviet countries (which also include Ukraine) is proved to have its own specificity and development orientation. The impact of existing and potential threats on the democratic transformations in Ukraine is shown and analyzed. Such threats are presented through the military and political crisis and the lack of consistency of the reform process. Possible directions to reform political, economic, and civil spheres of Ukraine, taking into account challenges of the military and political crisis and an acute shortage of investment attractiveness of our country, are proposed.
Keywords: democratization, system transformation, reformation, military and political crisis, political process.


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