Журнал Viche 2009 №4

№4, 2009

The one that is not financing the energetic efficiency – finances “Gasprom”

The “gas wars” between Russia and Ukraine, especially the last hard round, made the society, the state and the industrial field change their views on the issue of saving the energetic recourses and the renewable energy sources. Otherwise, the native economics will not have any perspectives, because the prices for the hydrocarbon ones will continue to grow. And moreover – we don’t have now our own ones – the Ukraine now is supplied with the native energetic resources only for 10-12%.

The head of the National Resource Saving agency of Ukraine (NRSA) Igor Cherkashyn:

We recently created the State programme of the production and use of biological types of fuel and all the profile ministries approved it except the Ministry of finance. Although all the future expenses will return together with large profits, the officials hurry to direct the budgets into control of the solving of the tough problems of the state.

The above mentioned program provides the change of the natural gas into the biological types of fuel. According to the experts’ calculations NRSA, giving only UAH 2,5 billion, will be able to substitute 5 billion kilolitres of nature gas – and this annually will provide the economical effect that equals to UAH 4,5 billion. By the way, the prime cost of the 1 unit of energy, obtained from the biological mass is 2-4,5 times lower then the cost of the nature gas.

How does Europe save?

 The important aspect of the development of the “green power system” is gaining by the Ukrainian professionals the foreign experience. This what exactly was set as a goal by the organizators of the international seminar dedicated to the energetic efficiency that was held in the beginning of February in Kyiv. The specialists from Belgium, Germany, France, Slovenia, Spain, Poland, Hungary and Greece. The main issue was the achievement in the field of production of the biological fuel, the novations in the alternative energetics, and also the organization of the profile state authorities, that are taking care of “green” policy.

The representative of Spain Manuel Molina has told about the system of state grants, that are issued to stimulate of the private investements – on the Pireneas people widely use the power of the sun and wind.

The representative of the energetic department of the Flaman institute of informational technologies Ils Murkens -  in such manner the state forced the enterprises to install the high effective combined stations of the simultanious production of heat and energy. There is a constant reduce of transportations in the state, but the burden on the river transport is increased – it is more ecologically safe.

 Ieva Mikaleva from the Sorbone University (France):

Before building the first portion of the wind electrical stations on Corsica, the discussion was active for three years.