№1, 2009 Incomplete Process of “Destruction of features of the Soviet Union” is Too Insidious Enemy of DemocracyAs the results of the sociological researches conducted before the New Year testify that total pessimism rules in Ukraine.
Vira Nanivska, the president of the National — Unstable political situation in Uncompleted fragmentary “Destruction of features of the WE SEE A WHIP, BUT THERE IS NO CAKE! Taras Pastuch, the head of Buchatsk district administration of Ternopil region: — I would like to demonstrate what responsibility the civil servants have by the example of our district. O the territory of our district there are 60 families which bring up 10 and more children and 26 large families which bring up under age children. Imagine how much work the Department of Family, Youth and Sport, which consists of two people, has. According to the list of members of staff these are the head of the department and his deputy. There is no possibility to hire more people. THERE IS A STAFF HUNGER IN THE STATE SECTOR Igor Pysklynets, the head of Nadvirnyansk district administration of Ivano-Frankivsk region: — I want to raise the question about the way political crises influence on the state machine. Last four years it was like that – the power changes and it at once causes the staff turnover in the organs of executive power. If it concerned only officials of the first category, that is the heads of administration and their deputies, then let it be. But it concerns the civil servants of the middle level who work for 15—20 years and have a good knowledge. |