The Humanitarian Dimension of Ukraine – Russia Relations
The evolution of Ukrainian-Russian relations in the humanitarian sphere; the aggressive policy of Russia at the present stage; issues regarding labour and illegal migrants, the dissemination of the Russian language; the policies of Russian non-governmental organizations; Ukrainian approaches to… SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Usage of Special Knowledge during the Investigation of Crimes in the Budget Sphere of Ukraine
Theoretical and practical problems of the usage of special knowledge during the investigation of crimes in the budget sphere are analyzed. SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Regarding the Role of State Authoritative and Local Self-Government Bodies in Resolving the Issues on Administrative and Territorial Structure: National and Foreign Experience
The role of state authoritative and local self-government bodies in resolving the issues on the administrative and territorial structure of Ukraine and some European unitary states on the basis of the proper provisions of normative legal instruments is analyzed.… SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Nature of Concepts of ‘Spy’ and ‘Military Intelligence Officer’ and Their Difference in International Law
On the basis of classical sources of international humanitarian law, the latest Ukrainian and foreign works in the sphere of international legal science, the essential meanings of the terms ‘a spy’ and ‘a military intelligence officer’ are attempted to… SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY
Constitutional Relations in Ukraine: Experience, Contradictions, European Context
Intensive research regarding the establishment of Ukrainian constitutionalism has become of great importance since the dramatic civil conflict (November 2013 – February 2014) which is to be named the Revolution of Dignity. |