Журнал Viche 2012 №6

Viche №6, 2012

In relation to the legal status of foreigners during pre-trial investigation in Ukraine

Reformation of the legal system of Ukraine, which began in 1991 and has been lasting till now, foresees and predetermines the necessity of a systematic approach to the settlement of questions regarding the adjusting of social relations to the…

Key aspects of draft law of Ukraine “On Information Security”

Having analyzed the national legislation in the field of informational relations and especially acts that directly concern the information security and cyber security, it is possible to make the following conclusions.

Effective social planning technologies: dynamics of changes

The world crisis creates the pre-conditions and requirements for both technological, structural and economic update and also reformatting of political reality, which gives the possibility for the realization of front-rank transformations.

Execution of constitutional cultural human and citizen rights and freedoms in the context of the supremacy of law

Assertion, provision and defence of human and citizen constitutional rights and freedoms make the fundamental concept for the formation of the legal system and the legislation of Ukraine, in particular.

Science in different images

Science is a socially significant sphere of the human activity, the function of which foresees making and application of the theoretically systematized knowledge about the reality.

New progress of the humanity and wise technologies

Scientists are again and again looking for an answer to the old question: “What does the brain do when it is not engaged?”. Due to the ultra-modern apparatus the researchers made sure in that during “the rest” (sleep, etc.

Regarding the essence of corruption and anti-corruption expertise

Discussing the range of problems of the essence of corruption and its reason, research workers and patricians try to outline accurately the ways of fight against this phenomenon.

Political and legal background for referendums in Ukraine: in the context of political science*

Modern tendencies of the European integration of Ukraine result in the necessity in both perception of the proper standards of political culture and practical implementation of institutional norms and principles connected with them.

Settlement of matters of law by cassation court (theoretical and practical aspects)

Higher education through the prism of labour market

The group of population, which suffers from unemployment more than others, belongs to the youth segment of labour-market. Therefore it requires the proper educational preparation and balanced state support during labour adaptation and mastering of the first workplace.

Legal description of financial and economic activity of charity organizations in Ukraine

Development of charity motion in Ukraine is inseparably connected with the formation of the scientifically grounded legal and financial background.

Peculiarities of judicial cognition methodology in cases connected with corruption

One of problems of contemporaneity which is subject for comprehensive discussion for research workers is a world economic crisis. To clarify the reasons for its appearance some authors offer to develop new scientific directions, branches, theories. In particular, V.…