№11, 2008 How one day may destroy the myth of a political crisis Institutional conflict which flared up during May seems to be settled on the plenary session of parliament on Junes 3. Its hard to over-estimate all the preparatory work for such a successful demonstration of a consolidated imperious efforts. First of all 11 peoples’ deputies of Ukraine were attested, selected instead of the dropped-out from Party of regions, Block of Lytvyn and BYT.
As that is required by the Constitution, three judges of Constitutional Court appointed by head of the State were attested: Serhiy Vdovichenko (on the left in the picture), until now the judge of the Judicial chamber in the criminal cases of the Appeal court of Kyiv, Yuriy Baulin (on the right) is a professor of a National legal academy of Yaroslav the Wise, academician of Academy of legal sciences, and Yuriy Nikitin (in the center), who worked as the judge of the Judicial chamber in the criminal cases of a Supreme Court of Ukraine. It happened in the presence of President of Ukraine Victor Yushchenko, prime Minister of Viktoriya SVITLANOVA |