Журнал Viche 2008 №11

№11, 2008

The availability of sufficient resources is the key to the successful development

On June 14 the citizens of Sevastopol are celebrating the 225-th anniversary of the city. According to the historical facts, exactly on this day in 1783 in the Akhtiarska bay were laid the  port and different administrational buildings. The settling on the banks of Black sea was called Akhtiar. Later, it was renamed to Sevastopol. Today the city has a special status, defined by the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine. About the success, problems and the perspectives of development of Sevastopol tells the mayor Valeriy SARATOV


-         Your experience as a businessman and a government employee allows to have your own complex view on the way of the best development of the community.

-         The development of the local self-governments in Ukraine is seriously slowed down by the fact, that it is not fully formed on the principal of the European chart of the local self-government. And the fact that in our country there is no complete constitutional reform. And that’s how we – I mean the regional rada, the Sevastopol rada and local authorities – cannot form our executive institutions. It causes serious, even law collisions. Because you know, the political power, that won the elections would suffer great difficulties in the redeeming the election promises. Often, the deputies’ vision of the ways and methods of development of the region do not coincide with the point of view of the local authorities.


That’s why I am sure, that we need to perform the second part of the reform, change some aspects in the Constitution. The elective institutions have to form their own executive structures. Only this way the people and the community will gain a real opportunity to demand the redeem by the political power is promises, that it have given before the elections. As a result – their will be a strict political system in the country: people on the elections will prolong the mandates to the ones, that protect their rights and the interests and deprive of the power the ones, who is not satisfying the community with his work.


Without resolving this, I think, basic question, there’s no point to talk about the real self-government in the Ukraine.


All the above mentioned is concerning the political part of the issue. But also it is necessary to revise the structure of the local budgets. For example, it is very important for the Sevastopol to repair the roads. And the funds, assigned for that purpose are minimal. I am a strong supporter of the adoption of statute about real estate. Such an action could easily provide the development of the regions. And only the absence of the political will makes such decisions impossible.