№1, 2008 Unearthly, faithful to himself, kind and...On January, 8, 1938 the Ukrainian poet and defender of rights Vasyl Stus was born
Some earlier unknown touches to the portrait of a prominent Ukrainian are revealed by his son Dmytro - a literary critic, an editor-in-chief of the magazine “Kyiv Rus”, an author of the research “Vasyl Stus: life like creative work”, awarded with the National Prize of Ukraine named after Taras Shevchenko, and by Mykola Zhulynskyi, an academician and a known public man. Dmytro STUS: – For some reasons the fate of Vasyl Stus has been lengthened in time and until now it serves as the litmus paper of authenticity, once again proving that a man – regardless all circumstances – is after all able to overcome his own fear and become worth of his mission. I’m sure: if the workers of the CC of CPU and KGB of Ukraine, who accepted in Mykola ZHULYNSKYI: – Not everything from the creative inheritance of Vasyl Stus has been saved. No less than six hundred poems were confiscated and destroyed in the frightful years of camp sufferings. However, it is possible to judge about the scale of artistic thought of a great master of word from those works that reached a reader or remained in relatives and family. Amplitude of his moods is enormous, it achieves catastrophic overstrain. Vasyl Stus experienced a separation with his wife and a little son especially heavily. Their images come up in dreams, appear in darkness of insomnia, and become visible on cold walls, appeal and call to themself… It is not easy to imagine the emotional state of the poet in the period of investigation, during the first and then the second imprisonment for ten years of deprivation of liberty and five years in deportation. This sentence was declared not in the terrible thirtieth, but already in the eightieth (more precisely, on |