Журнал Viche 2015 №18

№18, 2015

Legal aspects of participation of Ukraine in Grain Trade Convention of 1995

The review of grain-growing sector of Ukraine and the place of the country in the world trading of this raw material is carried out in the article. Key positions of Grain Trade Convention of 1995 are analyzed in details in the context of participation of Ukraine in this international document. Separate attention is paid to the advantages and problems of membership of Ukraine in the International Grains Council.
Keywords: Grain Trade Convention of 1995, International Grains Council, raw materials, grain sector of Ukraine.


1. Kobuta I., Sikachyna O., Zhygadlo V. (2012), ‘Wheat export economy in Ukraine’, FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, Policy Studies on Rural Transition, No. 2012­4, Budapest.

2. ‘Peretvorennia silskoho hospodarstva Ukrainy na rushiinu sylu ekonomichnoho zrostannia. Stratehiia rozvytku sektora zernovykh ta oliinykh kultur’ [The transformation of Agriculture of Ukraine into a driving force of economic growth] (2012), BE Berlin Economics GmbH, Berlin.

3. ‘Grain Market Report’ (2014), International Grains Council, October 2014, London.

4. Mizhnarodna uhoda pro zerno 1995 roku [International Grains Agreement, 1995], available at: <http://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/995_i64>

5. ‘Grains Trade and Food Security Cooperation’, available at: <http://www.igc.int/en/aboutus/default.aspx>

6. Contributions for 2013/14’ (2013), International Grains Council, Document: GC37/4, London.

7. Mezhdunarodnyi sovet po zernu: Otchet za 2012/13 finansovyiy god [International Grains Council: report for the 2012/13 financial year], available at: http://www.igc.int/downloads/publications/rfy/rfy1314_r.pdf