Æóðíàë Viche 2014 ¹18

¹18, 2014

Legal Status of an Author (Creator, Developer) of the Personal Database

Legal status of an author (creator, developer) of the personal database as the subject of legal relationships regarding circulation and processing of personal data is determined to have been paid no attention of scientists and legislators in the sphere of information law for a long time.
Grounding on the analysis of established civil law and legislation on copyright and related rights in Ukraine, taking into consideration peculiarities of the subject representation in relationships regarding circulation and processing of personal data, the concept of ‘an author (creator, developer) of the personal database’ is formulated.
In order to guarantee privacy in the context of security of circulation and processing of personal data, it is proposed to amend the Law of Ukraine ‘On Protection of Personal Data’, i.e. to supplement Article 2 with the concept of ‘an author (creator, developer) of the personal database’ and to add a new
article determining specific rights and obligations of an author (creator, developer) of the personal database.
Keywords: author, base, circulation, obligations, processing, personal data, legal status, developer, creator.


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Mykhailo RIZAK