¹20, 2014 Correlation between Supranationality of International Organizations and Sovereignty of Their Member StatesThe phenomenon of supranationality arising as a result of activities of inter-governmental organizations and partial transfer of sovereign powers of their member states thereto is explored. It is grounded that by acquiring membership in a certain international organization the states do not lose their sovereignty because they continue operating as independent subjects of international relations in the international arena. Theoretical approaches of the national and Western schools of international law are examined. Based on them, the modern science is determined to offer various concepts of supranationality but not to have elaborated a single generally accepted theory concerned. On the basis of that analysis, key features of the supranationality are proposed. It is noted that functions being entrusted to the institutions of international organizations by the states according to their founding treaties cannot be considerd as their sovereign powers. It is concluded that after having entered an international organization that has supranational regulative elements states continue exercising their sovereign rights and international legal personality and do not lose them.
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