¹20, 2014 Constitutional and Legal Status of the President of Ukraine in the Setting of Parliamentary and Presidential RepublicChanges in the constitutional and legal status of the President of Ukraine in the context of the country’s transition from the presidential and parliamentary republic to the parliamentary and presidential one are highlighted. In accordance with the Law of Ukraine No. 742-VII ‘On Restoring the Specific Provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine’ of 21 February 2014, limitations of his powers to participate in the personnel selection while forming the Government and other authorities; to establish, reorganize and liquidate the central authorities are analyzed. At the same time, it is emphasized the empowerment of the Head of State to influence the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by means of the possible early termination of its powers; it is paid attention to the crucial role of the President while resolving foreign policy, national security and defence issues, ensuring the national independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, adhering to the Constitution of Ukraine, the rights and freedoms of man and of the citizen.
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