№19, 2014 Protection of Land and Land Use in ForestryInterrelations between the areas of protection and use of land are explored. Necessity to introduce the accounting of land use elaborated due to existing types of economic activity is proven, since such accounting is the foundation of human life support and formation of the environment, as well as allows for monitoring environmental and economic results of use of the land resources. It is argued that improvement of accounting also regards implementation of different forestry activities, as specific forestry legislation defines ‘a forest’ rather than ‘a land’ as the object of labour (although forestry is also a sphere of plant science). ‘Forest resources’ categorized as ‘natural resources’ by the Ukrainian legislators are emphasized to be the products of forestry, so the relevant provisions of domestic legal acts should be nullified. Revision of the land, environmental and forest legislation is determined to be the main prerequisite for intensification of activities concerning environmental protection and increase of the role of economic component in forestry.
Andriy BOBKO |