№5, 2014 High level sides of negotiations.., or the limits of diplomatic oppositionPermanent internal and foreign political pressure, economic instability, social tension, which during three last months have been the “inalienable constituents” of development of our state, today have reached the peak due to the possibility of escalation of intergovernmental military conflict. According to article 134 of the Constitutions of Ukraine the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is an inalienable component part of Ukraine and within the limits of plenary powers, stated by the Constitution of Ukraine, settles the issues attributed to its authority. This regulation is duplicated in the Constitution of the AR Crimea from October, 21, 1998. Accordingly, the first task is to de-escalate the conflict with the help of all legitimate facilities of pressure of the international association for the sake of avoidance of subsequent increase of military presence of the RF in Crimea and possibility of advancement of its subsections in the territory of mainland Ukraine. Taking into account the geopolitical placing of forces, presently neither the USA nor the EU do not see advantages in the formation of another “area of tension” in the center of the European continent. Yuliya TSYRFA |