Журнал Viche 2012 №6

№6, 2012

Peculiarities of judicial cognition methodology in cases connected with corruption

One of problems of contemporaneity which is subject for comprehensive discussion for research workers is a world economic crisis. To clarify the reasons for its appearance some authors offer to develop new scientific directions, branches, theories. In particular, V. Ovchynskyi initiates the creation of a separate branch - criminology of a crisis which will enable to forecast it, to detect on time the factors which influence on its appearance, to develop the system of prophylactic measures, etc. [7]. As a result of analytical work of economists and lawyers the conclusion is received about the presence of both global and so-called quiet economic crisis - corruption which in some states was not examined as a threat to the national safety, which resulted in negative consequences. In this connection it was suggested to create the separate field of law – “corruptionology” [9, p. 7]. We will let ourselves to disagree with this position. To our opinion, as the case stands there are a lot of complex issues which require legislative settlement and methodological provision of law enforcement activity. The fields of law should not be cloned in accordance with the challenges and threats in the modern society. There is an obvious necessity in the development of the methodology of cognition of this or that phenomenon apart from the subject of cognition.