Журнал Viche 2006 №13

№13, 2006

Devil in angelic clothes

June, 26 is the International day of fight against the abuse of drugs and their illegal distribution

Ukraine was one of the first among the former republics of the Soviet Union to join the conventions of the UNO of 1961, 1972 and 1988 years of the questions of control after the illegal circulation of drugs

...Alarming militia reports and Ukraine is spread before the eyes, as on the palm. On the morbid narcotic palm. Stabbed veins - even a living place is not visible, eyes are “square” and lacklustre, and the only one desire in a soul is to procure the regular dose of marihuana or heroin…
The laws exist in Ukraine and according to them:

1) a severe government monopoly is set on all actions connected with drugs (making, preservation, transportation, sale and so on);

2) the discretionary powers are given to the organs that conduct the fight against the illegal circulation of datura-potion;

3) the advertisement of narcotic substances is prohibited.

152 thousand drug addicts are officially registered in our state. According to the unofficial information their number is more than a million.

Circular from London headquarters

…When the Ukrainian drug dealers arrived, the representatives of London headquarters received them with attention, but at the same time with indulgence and scorn: the guests' provinciality spread all around. But still a circular, where some new approaches of narcotization of the world, and Ukraine in particular, were revealed, was presented to them. The matter there concerned the lobbying of the bills that somehow remove a government monopoly on production and circulation of drugs and, in particular, give the permissions to sale metadon and concentrated product of poppy straw through the trading network. The authors of the paper suggested to withdraw ephedrine and about twenty drugs of specifically Russian production from the list “A” that is severely controlled and to release them to the free market.

According to the information given by the Commission of the UNO that deals with the drug control, Afghanistan realizes 75 percents of all world deliveries of opium. 450 thousand tons of opium-stuff were produced in 1999. In the near future there can be about 700 thousand tons. It should be mentioned that for getting one kilogram of heroin a maximum of 15 kilograms of opium-stuff is needed. Since Iran has begun a decisive fight against transportation of drugs through its territory, the main heroin way was made through the Central Asia and Transcaucasia to Russia, consequently - to Ukraine, and further - to the Western Europe. According to the last facts now only the afghan drug dealers as a rule pile up over 20 tons of heroin near the border with Tadjikistan. How much of it gets to Ukraine, nobody knows.
It was marked in the document that the drug dealing does not acknowledges national interests, clannish solicitations and that is why the conception of “transparent” borders should be defended in the future. The leaders of the Moscow narcogrouping underlined: the one who possesses drugs governs the world. Taking it into account every effort will be made to make the soul of Ukraine parched by various kinds of datura-potion from the remotest latitudes of the planet.

The devil in angelic clothes soars more confidently above our native country.