№11, 2011 Having a Look at NEURON Laboratory Conscious…Specific vision and perception of the world, its comprehension through the prism of social and cultural features, and existing original concepts made the works of “neuron type” artists rather unique acquisition than the incomprehensible innovation of our time. Being the hostage of stormy development of the world civilization and often simply not having enough possibilities to resist its challenges, a modern man, individual, artist tries simply to evoke a response from the society, paying attention of the wide public to the existing confusions, which, possibly, also perturb others who are unable to declare about it in voice or to outline within the limits of the clear personal logic. Tetyana HERSHUNI tried to explain the editorial staff of “Viche” the “number of options” of human consciousness, features of its displays and socially significant convert sense which are present in the artistic works of project “OUT-2011”. Yuliya TSYRFA |