№3, 2011 "We share nothing but the responsibility ..."Since the first days of 2011 labor part of Cherkassy region takes of the rhythm. Despite of some economic and social difficulties people with good mood taken by the planned execution. Tone is being set by local authorities, including the Regional Council. It taken into account current realities came to a new budget, adopted a series of programs, implementation of which has a decisive influence on the situation in the region. Our correspondent met with the council chairman, Valeriy Chernyak. - Already in the first quarter of this year we will complete construction of the first stage children's hospital for 300 beds - European level institution and clinic for 240 visits per day. The aim of the restoration work at the airport and river port in Yalta is bringing to the appropriate level of road repair and reconstruction of the expansion damb and bridge across the Dnieper River to the area of Cherkasy-Chapaievka, designing and building high-speed highways Kyiv-Dnipropetrovsk right bank of the Dnieper through the regional center, waste processing plant (2013) in Yalta. Reform and development of housing for 2010-2014 is being also controlled. At the time - the development and implementation of state environmental program “Clean Dnieper” program "Village Cherkasschiny” 2020, 260 villages gasification area of rural school bus service, rural medicine and education workers - affordable housing, to solve a number of environmental problems and many other issues. Real business of the regional government shows the following facts: recently received the keys to the car in 24 handicapped people group I and combatants in World War II, 7 cars of ambulance fleet city-district hospitals filled area in 22 pharmacies social Cherkasschiny actively embraced state program "Medical Cart" under which citizens can buy drugs 30 percent cheaper. |