When I began medical practice as a surgeon I was truly convinced that operations which I do is exactly what rescues my patients. But, believe me, since I became interested in Truskavets water, I have read a lot of scientific labours, studied many research and professional materials, met with scientists, patients, and I understood this is that alive water which is described in our fairy-tales. Do you remember: “The fellow poured the bottle with alive water and dead princess came back to life”? “Naftusya” has been extracting for already over one hundred years but its secret has not been revealed until now. There are a lot of healthful sources in the world but useful medical properties of each are for the certain illness, and Truskavets “alive” water is distinguished by healthful action at once on several illnesses, making the whole organism stronger. There is no such water in the world. It is the only one that has low mineralisation, contains the products of disintegration of organic substances. And the whole spectrum of its influence on the organism of man has not been investigated to the full extent yet. So Truskavets resort is going to have an interesting future.
– Truskavets – city-resort where there are a lot of high quality sanatoriums. What is special about the sanatorium-hotel complex “Dnipro”?
– In 1977 when the building of the sanatorium “Dnipro” began, I was almost thirty years old and was the youngest chief doctor in the system of resorts of the former Soviet Union. Since then all my activity has been directed on the development and improvement of sanatorium-recreation empire. That is what it is called now as far as the complex has expanded to the large capacity: we here built a dining-room, cinema and concert hall, medical corps, dwelling-houses for the workers, created the park, built four star hotel “Beskyd”. In the period of economic crisis in 1990th we were made to learn how to earn money. We took the equipment in leasing for 120 thousand dollars and equipped a bakery. Later we put into service meat-packing plant and the factory of mineral water “Truskavetska Kryshteleva”, we reared geese and ducks, even sowed wheat. We created a food base. But this is already in the past.
Today time puts forward new tasks. Pay attention at how many star hotels in Truskavets and each of them offers the wide spectrum of services for resorts: pools, saunas, conducting of creative parties on the order etc. Meantime in Ukraine more well-to-do people appear who already have all these delights of life at their home, they even order doctors and stars of show-business to their home. However, our empire “Dnipro-Beskyd” is strong because it has a strategy. Our aim is to make a patient strong and sound and to conduct such complex of examination and treatment which he will never get at any establishment and will not be able to order to his home. Every patient of our sanatorium comes into the view of doctors-professionals. The result of successful treatment is the refreshing of the organism and the patient has a feeling as if he became younger by a few years. The special complex program is directed on that to renew physical and moral forces of a man.
CHEBANENKO Oleksandr Ivanovych was born on July, 31, 1947 in Truskavets.
In 1973 he graduated from the medical faculty of the Lviv Medical Institute. He worked as a surgeon at Drogobych district hospital, as a hospital-physician and the head of the department at sanatorium “Crystal”. In 1975 he was a senior inspector of medical-preventive department of the Truskavets territorial council. From 1977 he was the main doctor of sanatorium ”Dnipro”, and from 1997 he was the chairman of the management board, the main doctor of Closed Joint-Stock Company “Sanatorium-hotel complex “Dnipro-Beskyd”. From 2002 he heads the health-resort management department which is based on health-resort “Dnipro-Beskyd” of Drogobych State Pedagogical University named after Ivan Franko. In 2004 he was the chairman of the management board of the special economic area (SEA) “Resort-Polis Truskavets”. In 2006 he was elected as the deputy of Truskavets city council.
Chebanenko Oleksandr Ivanovych is well-deserved doctor of Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Academician of the European Academy of Human Problems, decoration holder of “Prince Yaroslav the Wise”, “Order of Merits” of I, ²², ²²² degrees, decoration holder of the Gold Cross “For Merits” of the Republic Poland, honoured citizen of Truskavets city.
For the merits before the Church he was awarded by the orders of “Christ-Rescuer”, “Prince Volodymyr the Great”, “Saint Archangel Mykhayil”, “All Saints of the Church”, “Apostle Andriy Pervozvannyi”, merit certificate of Roman Pontiff.