Big Yalta relies on comprehensive rehabilitation program for its development
From the state, but funding depends on several crucial decisions of Yalta, which can create conditions for solving one of the main challenges for Southern Ukrainian - expanding the limits of the season, or even the transition to effective demand for year-round resort.
Certainly, you will not order to the sun and the sea, although, it is possible to attract holiday-makers and tourists to the Crimea with the help of other pleasures. So that in the shoulder season there was the place where one could have fun not only on May and New Year holidays. And in the best way if “the terrifying” concept “shoulder season” for the Crimea or, at least, for Great Yalta disappeared forever.
Tell me how to attract the holiday-makers to the sanatoriums which have good quality medical base, unique methods of making healthy and once worked the year round and now only seasonally?
– Certainly, when 20 years ago, with breakdown of the Union, the financing of health-resorts stopped and people after the tours of social funds were not sent, and there was nothing to do rather then to shorten the medical service programs, – the city chairman of Yalta Sergiy Brayko says. – And only, presumably, during last two years both the state and the owners of sanatoriums and clinics began to understand that there is demand for medical service. Moreover there is even foreign demand for treatment. First of all, it is considerably cheaper here, and, secondly, our on its own healthful climate in combination with medical methods is able to do miracles. Therefore presently there are already suggestions from the Israel and German specialists to place diagnostic and specialized medical centers in Yalta.
In Yalta 150 recreation facilities are in position to accommodate simultaneously up to 35 thousand people. Soft Mediterranean climate, plenty of sunny days like in Cannes, Nice or San Remo, long-term swimming season – from the beginning of June till the end of October, when the temperature of salt water is not below than 18–19 degrees, healthful air saturated with marine salts and phytoncides of pine-wood, - all these contributes to successful treatment of chronic unspecific diseases of respiratory organs, cardiovascular and nervous systems. Health properties of climate of Yalta and the South beach on the whole were explored and popularized by such doctors-climatologists as Sergiy Botkin and Volodymyr Dmytriyev. Exactly after the advice of Botkin the emperor's family of Romanovy bought the estate in Livadiya. Since then it is the dream of everybody.
Yalta has two free of charge pump-rooms with healthful mineral waters in the Seashore Park and in the Chekhov Street, this year it is planned to open another one – in Tarasa Shevchenko public garden.
The health-resorts have modern medical base where over 40 basic methods of diagnostics are used and consultations of 20 types are given.
80 basic methods for treatment which include physiotherapy, balneotheraupy, medically-swimming pools with water attractions, inhalation and singlet oxygen therapy, hirudotherapy, saunas are used. Special rehabilitation and recreational programs “Bronchial asthma”, “Antistress”, “Free motion”, “Arthritises”, “Osteochondrosis”, “Tired feet”, “Slenderness” and others like that are introduced.