Журнал Viche 2009 №5

№5, 2009

Inconsequence of Actions of Power in the Selection of Priorities can be Easily Noticed

About the topical issues of local budgets

Examining the modern state of budgetary policy in Ukraine, it’s easy to notice the inconsequence of actions of power in the selection of priorities of social and economic development of the country and the substantial differences between the declared directions of stimulation of regional development and those that every year are actually taken into account by the government in the laws about the State budget of Ukraine.

Unfortunately, measures concerning “the stimulation of complex and dynamic regional development”, strengthening of the role of organs of local self-government and local organs of executive power”, which are laid in the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “About the approval of Declaration of goals and tasks of the budget on the year  2009 (Budgetary declaration)” № 160 from 05.03.2008, actually this year remained on the paper only as well, and the issues of local budgets haven’t been solved yet, and what is more - they have become even worse due to the fact that lately the country has entered a new “crisis situation”.