Журнал Viche 2015 №17

№17, 2015

Russian choice: strategy with false bottom

When Russia occupied Crimea, it lost Ukraine. Probably, forever, or at least for several generations. And late acknowledgement of the consequences of this reckless event if did not cause shock, then resulted in real catatonia at some Russian political experts. Anton Grishanov, the leading expert of Fund of progressive policy (Russia) states: “Among the long-term effects, provoked by the Ukrainian events, not the last place is occupied by general simplification of discussion about the tasks of foreign policy of the Russian Federation. Fast joining of Crimea and nonlinear development of Donbas conflict resulted in the request for emotionally painted explanation of change of the Russian strategy. The attempts to make its objective analysis are all more frequently lost in the row of stamps, cliche and slogans of not only professional demagogues of local level, but also of separate leaders of the European scale.”