Æóðíàë Viche 2015 ¹14

¹14, 2015

Budapest Memorandum as the international agreement which is obligatory for implementation by its guarantors

There is a number of legal proofs of that the Budapest Memorandum of 1994 is a running international agreement for its party-signers (guarantors of independence and inviolability of the boundaries of Ukraine), obligatory for implementation. Above all things, it concerns Russia – main violator of the Budapest 'guarantees'. Claims of separate Russian specialists and politicians about 'the legal worthlessness' of this international and legal document are refuted with reasons.
Keywords: the Budapest Memorandum, nonproliferation regime, Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, guarantor states, international agreement.


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5. Veb­sait MZS Rosiiskoi Federatsii [Website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation], available at: <www.mid.ru>

6. (2014) Full text of Poroshenko’s speech to joint session of US Congress, Kyiv Post, 19 September.

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8. Lossovskyi I. Ie. (2014), ‘Istoriia, suchasnyi stan i perspektyvy koreiskoho vrehuliuvannia’ [History, current state and prospects of the Korean resolution], Zovnishni spravy, 4: 44–49.