Æóðíàë Viche 2015 ¹4

¹4, 2015

Peculiarities of Formation and Development of the Law Enforcement Authorities in the Territory of Ukraine: Historical Perspective

The status of the law enforcement authorities at different stages of development of the Ukrainian statehood is outlined. Historical aspects of formation and development of the law enforcement authorities’ institute are explored on the basis of analysis of historical legal documents and current legislation of Ukraine. The analysis of historical legal documents confirms that the relevant authorities (in particular, their powers, functions, and features) obtained an independent legal recognition in the provisions of domestic legal acts at every stage of Ukraine’s social development.
Genesis of the law enforcement authorities’ activities is fully investigated. Historical and legal grounds for the necessity to establish the law enforcement authorities are given. The fundamental political, social and economic changes in Ukraine are proved to influence all the aspects of social life and to weighty impact the law enforcement activities, adherence to the principles of the law enforcement authorities, as well as their structure. Historically, official launch of the law enforcement activities is determined to depend on development of the legal rules and mechanisms of their pursuit.
Keywords: genesis, legal status, law enforcement authorities, law enforcement system, history, legal documents.



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