Журнал Viche 2015 №4

№4, 2015

Activities of the International Organizations in Ukraine: General Trends and Guidelines

Main trends and experience of activities of the international organizations in Ukraine are considered. Crucial attention is paid to the goals and projects of international organizations Ukraine is a member thereof. Ukraine’s participation in the international intergovernmental organizations and Ukrainian activities of such organizations as the United Nations and its specialized agencies, the Council of Europe and the OSCE are studied, since they are the factors having mutual influence on and contributing to adaptation of the political system of Ukraine to the contemporary democratic standards of human rights and freedoms.
The content and specificity of the largest projects to be carried out by the international organizations in Ukraine are analyzed. The main motivation of the UN projects in Ukraine is determined as promotion of sustainable development and cooperation between the state authorities and structures of the civil society. Projects of the Council of Europe (except adaptation of the Ukrainian legislation to the European standards and implementation of the anti-corruption principles) considerably focus on establishment of the rule of law, embodiment of democratic norms in various spheres of social life, reformation of judicial authorities, and introduction of environmental approaches into the official policies of the state authorities. The role of the OSCE while settling the conflict in the Donbas region is studied.
Keywords: international organization, international community, UNDP, Council of Europe, OSCE, EU, NATO, OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine.


1. Deklaratsiia tysiacheletiia Organizatsii Obedinennykh Natsii. Priniata Rezoliutsiei No. 55/2 Generalnoi Assamblei ot 8 sentiabria 2000 goda [United Nations Millennium Declaration. Resolution 55/2 adopted by the General Assembly on 8 September 2000]. Available at: <http://www.un.org/ru/documents/decl_conv/declarations/summitdecl.shtml>

2. Memorandum ob ispolnenii polozhenii Protokola po itogam konsultatsii Trekhstoronnei Kontaktnoi gruppy otnositelno shagov, napravlennykh na implementatsiiu Mirnogo plana Prezidenta Ukrainy P. Poroshenko i initsiativ Prezidenta Rossii V. Putina ot 19 sentiabria 2014 goda [Memorandum on the Implementation of the Provisions of Protocol on the Results of Consultations of the Tripartite Contact Group with Respect to the Joint Steps Aimed at the Implementation of the Peace Plan of the President of Ukraine P. Poroshenko and the Initiatives of the President of Russia V. Putin, 19 September 2014]. Available at: <http://www.osce.org/ru/home/123807?download=true>

3. Spilna zaiava Komisii Ukraina – NATO na rivni glav derzhav ta uriadiv (m. Newport, Velyka Brytaniia, 4 veresnia 2014 roku) [Joint Statement of the Heads of State and Government of the NATO – Ukraine Commission (Newport, Great Britain, 4 September 2014)]. Available at: <http://mfa.gov.ua/ua/press­center/comments/2278­spilyna­zajava­komisiji­ukrajina­nato­na­rivni­glav­derzhav­ta­uryadiv>

4. Zaiava Prezydenta Ukrainy Petra Poroshenka za rezultatamy zasidannia Komisii Ukraina – NATO na rivni glav derzhav ta uriadiv krain­chleniv ta partneriv NATO, 4 veresnia 2014 roku [Statement of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko following the Meeting of the NATO – Ukraine Commission at the level of Heads of State and Government of NATO Member States and Partners, 4 September 2014]. Available at: <http://www.president.gov.ua/news/31168.html>

5. Metodychni rekomendatsii shchodo nadannia pershoi psykholohichnoi dopomohy peremishchenym osobam ta naselenniu, yake perebuvalo/perebuvaie u zoni zbroinoho konfliktu [Methodological recommendations for providing psychological first aid to displaced persons and people who were/are in the armed conflict zone] (2014), Ivanova O. L. (ed.). Kyiv: Prohrama rozvytku OON v Ukraini.

6. Orhanizatsiia Obiednanykh Natsii v Ukraini, Natsionalni TsRT [United Nations in Ukraine, National MDGs]. Available at: <http://www.un.org.ua/ua/millennium­development­goals/ukrainian­mdgs>

7. Priorytety ukrainskoho golovuvannia u Komiteti ministriv Rady Ievropy, Golovuvannia Ukrainy v Komiteti ministriv Rady Ievropy – traven–lystopad 2011 roku [Priorities of the Ukrainian Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, Ukrainian Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe – May – November 2011]. Available at: <http://www.coeukraine2011.mfa.gov.ua/pr­oriteti­ukra­nskogo­golovuvannya­u­kom­tet­m­n­str­v­radi­vropi>

8. Ministerstvo zakordonnykh sprav Ukrainy, Uchast Ukrainy u mizhnarodnykh orhanizatsiiakh [Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Ukraine’s participation in international organizations]. Available at: <http://mfa.gov.ua/ua/about­ukraine/international­organizations>