Æóðíàë Viche 2014 ¹18

¹18, 2014

Issues on Administrative Supervision in the Sphere of Use of the Radio Frequency Resource of Ukraine

Activities of the National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization as the subject of administrative supervision over adherence to the legislation in the sphere of use of the radio frequency resource of Ukraine are examined. Regulatory support of measures aimed at preventing violations of the law on the radio frequency resource of Ukraine, as well as their detecting and eliminating is explored.
Review of ways to detect and prevent violations of law in this sphere and to take measures for eliminating them convincingly proves the following: nowadays, the issues on improvement of the legal framework in terms of use of the radio frequency resource, its harmonization with the relevant rules of international law and determination of the proper administrative responsibility become particularly topical.
It is emphasized that ensuring of efficient use of the radio frequency resource, as well as providing conditions to speed up the development of telecommunications networks and increase the range and scope of telecommunications services rendered to broad layers of population is one of the priorities of the National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization.
Keywords: administrative supervision, telecommunications, radio frequency resource of Ukraine, prevention, violation of law.


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