Журнал Viche 2009 №1

№1, 2009

Make a proposal to your native country

The Ukrainians for now did’t feel the crisis for 100%. From one side – thank God. But from the other – who knows what results the misunderstanding and dullness are going to have. More likely, that this will cause another social crisis, but more deep and painful

The figures make us think.

According to the data from National Statistics Bureau in 2009 there will be a growth of unemployment for about 7-9%. Till now its level didn’t get over 1,5-2%.

The first strike will be ward off by the most powerful industry field in Ukraine – the metallurgy. It started in march 2008, when there was a reduction of demand on the export steel deliveries.

Straight after that suffered investment companies and banks. More then 25 banks had no other option, then to ask the National bank of Ukraine for the refunding. Two of them were sold. And that’s only a beginning. The peak of losses in the state, according to the specialists, will come on spring 2009, when the financial bank reports for the period from 2008 till the first quarter of 2009 will be published. It will be known also about the other bank’s profits non-delivery as a result of the global crisis.

In his major work “the Capital”, grandpa Marks warned, that capitalism goes from one crisis to another. It creates the crisis situation itself, because free economics develops according to the laws of free market.

Some American economists afraid of the fact that unemployment in the USA only in this year may increase from 6 to 10%.

More calm, comparing to other countries, the crisis is met in Japan. Of course – the experience matters here. The experience gained here during the crisis in 1990.

What did Japanese learn? From 1990 till 1999 the government of Japan created nine programs, that were directed on the helping the economy of the state to defeat crisis. The parliament came to a decision to nationalize the most problem banks, that gathered great amount of money, - their stock was reacquired. In 1998 the gift product check for an amount of 30 000 Yen (around 200$) was given to every citizen of the state. That coasted to the state budget about 4 billion additionally, because the buying demand of the people needed to be stimulated.

The enlarging of the economical parties, the operation of the state, the state regulation, rapid increase   of the state investments into the  economy, reducing of taxes and expenses on the military services and on the developing countries’ aid – those major actions were taken by the government of Japan to control the crisis.

Today Japan, by the volume of its gold and currency reserves occupies 2-nd place in the world. The financial and bank system was centralized. Experts assume that Japanese banks are stable. Even under the conditions of a new crisis they keep buying stock from the biggest American and British banks.